Thursday, January 7, 2010

How often should you exfoliate your face and body?

exfoliation is nothing but scrubbing ur face with some coarse powder or cream

i already told u about that

if ur using some artificial scrub (which u get in shops )u can use that for only twice a week

if ur using gram flour and milk u can do it twice a day

this gives u a healthy fair glowing smooth and silky skin all in one same holds good for body also use gram flour for better resultsHow often should you exfoliate your face and body?
Everyday.How often should you exfoliate your face and body?
I scrub my face with a mild facial exfoliator every morning. I prefer to use the ones that are specifically labelled ';for everyday use';. And once every one or two weeks, I use a regular heavy duty scrub.

For body - I use a loofah everyday. I love it, the skin on my legs used to be very rough. It's really improved with the loofah and lots of moisturiser after.
There is some useful advice here.
Wash your face daily and scrub it every few days and you only really need to do your body about once a week, depending on the job you do, i.e. working outside all of the time.

When exfoliating your body best thing to use is a sugar scurb like from bath and body works,,,,,it has oils in it to keep your skin from drying out and you feel soft and smooth when done.
I've always had problem skin so I exfoliate the problem areas daily. the rest of me gets the treatment about once a month...this seems to work well, keeping dry flaking skin under control.

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