Monday, December 28, 2009

I have flaky dry skin on my face... If I use an exfoliating wash should that not get rid of it?

Thanks.I have flaky dry skin on my face... If I use an exfoliating wash should that not get rid of it?
Have regular showers and you the exfoliating skin thing before or after, and drink lots of water this all help to keep the skin looking healthier and get rid of dry flaky skin unless you have had like an allergic reaction to something or xma i dunoo how you spell it but you should if it persists ge it checked out by the doctorI have flaky dry skin on my face... If I use an exfoliating wash should that not get rid of it?
It should, yes, but all faces and skin types are different so you can't expect everything to work, or for something that worked on your friend or someone else you know to work on you.

I mean lets face it, if one product did the job for everyone, there'd be little to no competition in the market, haha.

If you have sensitive skin, like I do, a lot of harsh washes or anything like that probably won't work for you, if anything they might actually make it worse.

My best advice to you is to, if you take long hot showers or baths, don't make them so long or the water so hot, because the hot water can make your skin really dry like this. And also use the exfoliating wash for the minimal time it suggests, and also drink lots of water because it is indeed healthier for you in general, but also for your skin :)

If it doesn't show signs of getting better within 3 weeks or so, I'd see a dermatologist and see what they say (or just your normal family doctor first, then they might refer you to the dermatologist if they feel they can't help), if you do in fact have sensitive skin or not, and if not they will probably recommend you to get a nonprescription cream.
use something very gentle for your skin, then make sure you moisturise alot. It may be due to the sun (sun=dry) so make sure you moisturise every night before bed and every morning (after you wash your face).

It's best to exfoliate once a week, as you can dry the skin out more if it is too often

also if it is at all itchy, make sure you dont have allergies/eczema as they can be the cause of very dry skin

hope this helps!


p.s. use a very plain moisturiesr, such as dove or johnsons, theyre really good face moisturisers =)
Ok, maybe this isn't what dermotologists would tell you to do.. but when I go tanning and I peel and have dry skin on my face, this is what I do...

I put ALOT of lotion on it. Keep it on there for a few minutes, then take a towel and wipe the lotion off your face, do it kind of hard so that you can get the skin too. This always helps me.
Sure. But the dryness is caused by not having enough moisture in your skin. Try drinking extra glasses of water, avoiding sun, and eating more vegetables. Also, eating fatty fish such as salmon can greatly improve dryness in skin.
not if it has lots of sent in it etc as you have dry skin you have to keep it moisturized and all the products you prob use have stuff in that drys it out more! try using a cream with no sent in or aqueous cream is used for eczema its really gd!
in theory yes. it gets rid of mine for a few days..

I exfoliate once a week, then if need to a few days later, mix with some liquid soap.

put some face moisture on afterwards....stops your skin drying up..

Hope this helps
If you use an exfoliant wash/scrub, make sure it's for dry skin, not for oily skin as this will just make it worse.

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